Quand la forêt brûle (When the Forest burns) from Joëlle Zask, 2019, Publisher Premier Parallèle.
Joëlle Zask is a philosopher and academic. She was shocked by the recent ravages of fire in the south of France and she shares her philosophical and political thoughts on mega-fires. It’s fascinating.
Mega fires are mainly criminal, global, uncontrollable and devastating. They reposition the balance of power between Man and Nature and require better cooperation between them. The myths of wild nature without man or civilized man without nature do not resist. A book with universal scope.
From the point of view of the plant intelligence, one just regrets that plants are only considered under the abstract banner of “Nature”. When we talk about humans, we always end up talking about people, their emotions, their feelings.
When we talk about “Nature”, we do not emphasize enough that it is made up of living beings who act and react. It is hoped that the next book will deepen this aspect. Because, given the latest discoveries on plants, no one can imagine that the first victims of these fires, plants or some of them, do not react or do not adapt to this trauma. We wish a dialogue between Joëlle Zask and Stefano Mancuso, the neurobiologist!